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group of students sitting on the lawn and looking at a phone on the University of Arizona campus

Mental Health Support Comes in Many Forms

Whatever your goals, there's a path for you. CAPS offers a wide range of mental health services and resources designed to be individualized to you.

View Our Services  Appointment Guide

Your Mental Health Support Options

We want to make it easy for you to find the support that fits you best. Explore resources, providers, and locations that fit your unique needs. 

two people sitting on wood benches in front of a brick building

Support for Your Top Concerns

Use our provider search tool to browse our counselors and psychiatry providers by specialty area. 

group of students sitting by a fountain and talking

Peer Support

There's power in community. Find support from peers who get where you're coming from.

person standing outdoors wearing sunglasses and smiling

CAPS Locations

Students can choose from multiple in-person campus locations and telehealth options.

two people wearing backpacks walking on a sidewalk with palm trees visible in the background

Specialty Services & Assessments

As part of our comprehensive menu of services, CAPS offers specialized services and assessments in a variety of areas.

Two people smiling and showing peace sign.

Free Resources

There are many free options for supporting your mental health. 

person holding a skateboard with brick buildings and palm trees visible in the background

Campus & Community Resources

Our care coordinators help students connect with campus and community resources.

group of people lying in a circle in the grass

Notice. Care. Help.

You don't need to be an expert to make a difference. Learn how Wildcats can support each other using the Notice. Care. Help. framework.

FRiend2Friend Peer Support Program