Site-Based Counseling

Support Where You Are

Our site-based counselors offer free mental health support at various locations across campus.

Site-Based Services

CAPS site-based counselors offer free and confidential services, including:

  • Mental health consultations
  • Short-term counseling sessions
  • Mental health and wellness groups/workshops
  • Outreach and education
  • Community mental health referrals 

Getting Started

Each site-based counselor has a confidential online contact form. Pick the counselor and location that works best for you and complete their form to get started with free services.

CAPS Site-Based Counselors & Locations

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Terrance Banner at Martin Luther King, Jr. Building (MLK)

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Max Lim at the Student Union Memorial Center

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Disability Resource Center (DRC)

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Erica Granillo at Fostering Success, Student Union

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Izza Jauregui at the Cesar E. Chavez Building


Denise Contreras

Denise Contreras at UA Global Center

Sarah Heinz

Sarah H. at the Student Union Memorial Center


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Nichol LeBeau at Robert L. Nugent Building


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Amanda Hall at the College of Veterinary Medicine in Oro Valley

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Erica Saunders at the College of Veterinary Medicine in Oro Valley

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Nadia Zanger at the College of Agriculture, Life & Environmental Sciences (CALES)