About CAPS

Comprehensive, Collaborative Care & Support

Campus Health's Counseling & Psych Services (CAPS) provides in-person and virtual mental health services for students and mental health-promoting programs for the campus community.

students walking on a sidewalk on the University of Arizona campus

Innovating College Mental Health

At CAPS, students are at the center of what we do and why we do it. With our expertise in college mental health, we offer individualized mental health care for students and mental health-promoting programs and trainings for the campus community. We are committed to innovating the way we think about mental health on campus through the programs and services we offer and our collaboration with campus and community partners to make mental health a community concern.

Our goals are simple: 

  1. Make it easier for students to get support when they need it, whether that's at CAPS or someplace else.
  2. Empower each member of the community to support mental health together.
  3. Collaborate in responding to mental health crises on campus.
  4. Provide experiential training for the next generation of mental health professionals and foster peer-to-peer mental health programs.

Goal 1: Make It Easier for Students to Get Support

Supporting Student Mental Health Is Why We're Here

We Believe That...

  • Mental health support comes in many forms
  • Everyone deserves options for individualized care​
  • Mental health is a community concern​
  • Reducing barriers to mental health care is essential

Our Approach Is...

  • Student-centered and data-driven
  • Customized to each individual student​
  • Responsive to the changing landscape of college mental ​health
  • Evidence-based, ethical, and grounded in best practices
group of students sitting at an outdoor table with books and binders on the table and a building in the background

Comprehensive, Individualized Care

No matter what a student's goals are, there's a way to get there. CAPS offers a wide range of mental health services and resources designed to be mixed, matched, and tailored to each student based on their unique needs and goals. That plan may include self-care strategies, helpful tools and resources, and CAPS and campus resources. 

Learn About Our Services


Increasing Ways to Get Support

We've identified through student feedback and ongoing evaluation the common barriers students face when seeking mental health support. Every day, we're working on innovative, student-centered ways to make it easier for students to get support.

group of students in a stairwell


We keep our fees low and offer assistance funds for our fee-based services. We also offer a variety of free services and resources.

students working together at a table


We offer same-day crisis support services, and our counseling appointments can be scheduled online as needed. Free weekly drop-in support groups and workshops have rolling start dates throughout the semester.

two students sitting in the grass and looking at a laptop computer together

Student Choice

Students can use our online provider search tool and choose from multiple in-person campus locations and telehealth options to fit their unique needs.

photo of a man sitting on a bench talking on a phone

Help Finding Support

When the best plan is outside of CAPS, our expert care coordination team can help students get connected.

Goal 2: Support Mental Health as a Campus Community

Mental Health Is a Community Concern

When members of the campus community know how to talk about mental health, recognize the signs that someone's struggling, and share resources, we all benefit. That's why CAPS collaborates with campus partners to offer consultation, trainings, and other resources to support mental health together.

group of students and a professor standing in front of a blackboard and smiling

Notice. Care. Help.

Notice. Care. Help. is our motto, and it's how Wildcats look out for each other. Learn more about Notice. Care. Help. for faculty, staff, and students.

group of students touching hands outdoors

Consultation & Training for Student Supporters

We offer free consultation, trainings, and other resources to give you the tools and strategies to support the students in your life, whatever your role.

group of students walking on campus

Tools for Student Supporters

We can all help create caring communities and connect others to support. These tools can help you be a mental health advocate for students.

Goal 3: Collaborate in Responding to Mental Health Crises on Campus

aerial view of the University of Arizona

A Holistic Response to Mental Health Crises

CAPS is a partner in the University of Arizona Crisis Network, a coordinated effort to provide crisis support services, mobile crisis interventions, and mental health training for all members of the University of Arizona community.

University of Arizona Crisis Network

Goal 4: Provide Experiential Training & Peer-to-Peer Programs

two people sitting on a couch talking

Clinical Training Programs

Each semester, we invite students from various academic programs across the country to join the CAPS Training Program and CAPS Doctoral Internship Program (CDIP). Our trainees work alongside CAPS staff, providing individual and group therapy, workshops, outreach, and more.

people meeting

Peer-to-Peer Mental Health Programs

Students are at the heart of what we do and a big part of changing the conversation around mental health on campus. Our peer-to-peer programs are driven by students who are passionate about mental health. They provide educational and supportive resources, mental health trainings, and outreach at the individual and community levels.