You're Not Alone Graduate Student Support Group

CAPS offers student groups and workshops on a variety of topics and concerns. The right fit between a student and their group is key to a meaningful experience. Learn more about this group or speak with a counselor to find the right group or workshop for you.

Building Resiliency Through Community

You're Not Alone is a weekly support group for graduate students. Topics and themes are developed by members, with one rule that only one student from a graduate program participate, so that they may freely process program-related stressors without concern for their reputation or standing within their working community.

Group objectives: 

  • Build a sense of community amongst group members
  • Support each other emotionally
  • Exchange tips and strategies for managing stress
  • Check in with current coping and stress indicators
  • Provide feedback and support to other group members whenever possible

 Group Details

  • When: Mondays, 3:30-5 pm
  • Dats: Meets year-round
  • Facilitator: Jennifer Jepson

How to Join

  • You're Not Alone grad group is currently full. If you are interested in joining, a CAPS provider can add you to an interest list. A meeting with the group facilitator will be required before you can begin the group.
  • Facilitator: Jennifer Jepson (
  • This group meets online. A Zoom link will be provided by the group facilitator.