Give and get support with other international undergrads!
Studying abroad can be an exhilarating and rewarding experience, but it also comes with challenges. Many international undergraduate students at UA have shared struggles with homesickness, loneliness, adjusting to new roommates and relationships, managing time, academic pressures, language barriers, and adapting to U.S. culture and lifestyle. The Support Group for International Undergrads offers a supportive space to address these issues.
Group Objectives
- Effectively handle academic and personal stress.
- Get support with language difficulties and cultural adjustment.
- Form meaningful connections with peers.
- Develop strategies to address perfectionism and personal challenges.
Group Details
- Group Facilitator: Denise Contreras
- Cost: Free
- Location: Global Center/International Student Services Rm 120F
- Meeting Dates and Time: TBD
How to Join
No enrollment is necessary. Drop in when you're able to attend.