Sailing through the Storm Workshop

Sailing through the Storm is a virtual workshop that helps you navigate life's challenges and create a more meaningful, fulfilling life. In this workshop series, you'll learn:

  • What happens to us during times of loss, fear, and stress
  • Practical mindfulness techniques to handle tough emotions
  • Ways to move forward when you're feeling overwhelmed or discouraged

How to Join Sailing through the Storm

Spring schedule coming soon!

To enroll in Sailing through the Storm, you can: 

How Workshops Work

  • CAPS workshops are currently meeting online by HIPAA-compliant video conference. 
  • You can attend more than one workshop series at a time.
  • Workshops are free. 
  • Workshops meet for three 50-minute sessions. Workshop participants will receive a digital workbook from the facilitator via secure message.
  • To get the complete experience, students must come to each session on time.
  • You have an option to reassess your needs at completion of the workshop series.